Our team

WALLBTC PTE. LTD. - it is a team of people who are primarily engaged in what we love, we love complex and unusual projects and strive for their ideal implementation.

{ CEO }

Anatoly Berdnikov

Director of WALLBTC PTE. LTD. He has extensive experience in the implementation of complex projects, Anatoly personally controls the process, negotiates with the customer and monitors the quality of the work performed.

{ CTO }

Dmitry Stepanov

The technical director of WALLBTC PTE. LTD., is engaged in the selection of programmers for the team, is responsible for the coherence of the team's work, and also negotiates with the customer and draws up the technical assignment

{ CFO }

Margarita Ignatova

Financial analyst at WALLBTC PTE. LTD. - is responsible for the competent construction of business processes and regularly analyzes the market, identifying current development trends.

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